Viddyoze Template Club, Create 3D Animation, Lower Thirds, Dynamic Transitions, Attention Hooks, Outros, End Cards And More

Good News! Your Exclusive Invitation To The Template Club Awaits...

Create 3D Animation, Lower Thirds, Dynamic Transitions, Attention Hooks, Outros, End Cards And More

Upgrade Viddyoze Live Into The ONLY Video Animation Platform You’ll Ever Need... And Lock In A LIFETIME 62% Discount

Activate Membership Now

"It’s a small price to pay for constant, high quality ideas and content"

"It really is a no brainer if you produce videos regularly!"

"Every month you get new templates, so the diversity and types of templates get my brain flowing"

Get Access To The HUGE Premium Template Collection, Plus 20 Brand New Members-Eyes’ Only Templates Delivered Every Month

You’ve just won yourself access to the world’s best video animation platform
The world’s most advanced live-action animations, fast renders, and 100 incredible templates are ready and waiting for you.
And maybe... just maybe, you’ll be satisfied with that.
But what if you really want to kick things up a gear?
What if you don’t just want to amaze your customers with incredible live-action stings... but offer a FULL video animation service?
What if you want to get more clients AND make more money from the ones you’ve already won? What if you don’t want a sideline, but a business that can support you for life?
What if you want a one-stop-shop for ALL of your video animation?
Then this special and very exclusive offer is for you.

Get Ready To BLOW UP What Viddyoze – And Your Business – Can Do

This is the:

Viddyoze Template Club

And if you’re ready for it, it’s your ticket to making Viddyoze bigger and better than ever
With the Template Club, you’ll be able to offer the FULL SUITE of video animation.
Live-action intros (and more of them). Cutting-edge digital logo stings. Slick transitions. Killer calls to action. Lower thirds, Hollywood-style filter effects, and 3D animation. Exclusive transparency effects you can only find here.
What this means?
You can offer MORE.
More incredible animations. More amazing products. More reasons for your prospects to give YOU their money.

Whatever You Want To Do With Viddyoze, The Template Club Lets You Do It BETTER

That’s all your videos need to do. It’s all that matters. It’s really THAT simple.

Officially, the Viddyoze Template Club has a $197 joining fee and a then a $97/month subscription.

It’s priced this way to keep it exclusive.
It’s designed for people who don’t just want a product, but want a BUSINESS.
It’s designed to give anyone who’s willing to step up a BIG advantage.

You Get Full Access To Over 400 Incredible Templates

With the Template Club, you’ll get access to our full premium template collection.
Right now, that’s over 400 incredible animation templates, including:

Studio-Grade Intros & Logo Stings

These are not the logo stings your Granddaddy finds on Fiverr.
These are astonishing, professional, studio-quality animations that used to only be possible with AfterEffects.

Stunning Social Actions

If you’re not being social, you’re being left behind. Viddyoze’s social media animations bring in the likes, follows, shares and retweets that say ‘this guy is worth talking about’.

3D Animation

Some platforms have this as their reason for existing. With Viddyoze, it’s just one amazing style out of several that’ll have your prospect’s jaws on the floor.

Movie filters

Lens flares, light effects, film grain, blockbuster-style grading and more let you turn your video into something Spielberg would be proud of. Stick it on YouTube and wait for Marvel to come calling.

Seamless Transitions

You want to be known as the guy with scrappy scene-cuts? Of course not.
You want to be known as the guy with transitions so sexy even Scarlett Johansson would get jealous.
With Viddyoze’s huge template bank, your videos will flow effortlessly from start to finish.

Compelling Outros & CTAs

Maximize your sales, shares and sign ups… because these outros aren’t just designed to look pretty.
They’re all approved by pro-marketers, so your videos will look amazing and convert like crazy too.

Dynamic transitions

You know those effects where the transition moves across the screen? The ones that make you go ‘damn that’s cool’?
Viddyoze. Three clicks and it’s yours.

Custom Attention Hookss

Animations are great, but they’re not enough. When you’re coming to the crucial point of your video, you CANNOT let your viewer’s attention wander.
And with Viddyoze’s set of attention hooks, you can pull them in to focus on what really matters – your buy button ☺

Lower Thirds

Give your videos a professional shine and gain that next level of respect.
Your videos can instantly stand out from the pack with just a couple of clicks… and you’ll never need to go near AfterEffects again

Texture overlays

Pure. Class. Our texture overlays can make any intro or transition into that art-house style guaranteed to grab your viewers by the cojones.

ALPHA Technology

EXCLUSIVE to Viddyoze.
Transparency technology takes ALL your animations to the next level.
No other tool can do this… which is why you’ll blow your competition off the map.
This massive set of templates has been carefully curated over months. Hand-picked from the very best our animation team has produced.

And you get access to all of them.

Render them as many times as you like. Use them for personal and commercial projects. You’ve got a full licence to use them however you wish.

And Not Only That... This Collection Is STILL Growing, Every Single Month

This isn’t just a matter of getting access to the premium collection.
Styles, brands and fashions change over time.

That’s why we’re adding new templates to the Premium collection EVERY month.

And this isn’t some Netflix-style system where you might wake up one day to find the half the stuff you liked has vanished to make way for new material.
The Template Club collection is only ever added to. It’s always growing.

You get a mix of 20 new templates, both live-action and digital animation, every single month.

Just one digital template could set you back $80 to have created yourself (and let’s not get into the cost of hiring a film crew for new live templates...)
That’s a minimum of $1200/month of value to you. Like clockwork.

Plus, Get 20 FREE Live-Action Templates Valued At


Just For Signing Up Today

Even normal Template Club members don’t get to see these. They’re only included as part of special deals like this one, as a huge Thank You for becoming a club member today.
Here’s just a taste of what will be added to your account:

What This Means For You As A Member

Exclusive access to ‘pick-of-the-month’ templates.

When you’re part of Template Club, you get access to the BEST. Every one has been designed by pro-animators, then approved by pro-marketers.

Always be one step ahead.

With your competition always coming out with new things, Template Club means you’re still the one setting the pace

Huge variety.

You’ll have more Viddyoze templates than anyone else. A huge library of resources, more niches to hit, and more offerings for your clients

Massive savings of time, money and effort.

No need to do any research or pay a designer. Just masses of high quality templates, straight to your browser.

Give your business an edge.

If you’re going to be successful, your business needs to grow and change. Template Club gives you an edge most businesses simply overlook.

Template Club Lets You Effortlessly Offer A Constant Supply Of Brand New Studio-Quality Animations To Anyone Who Wants To Use Video In Their Business…

And you’ll be able to do it at a fraction of what anyone else charges… in a fraction of the time…
Remember, we’re talking MINUTES not days!
And that means:
Just imagine having the privilege of always being able to offer EXCLUSIVE DESIGNS to your clients… without ever having to create a single one.

Here’s Everything You Get As A Template Club Member

From the moment you join, you’ll get:


Access to 20 new and exclusive templates every month, with a licence to make unlimited renders (worth $2700).


Access to 400+ templates from the Template Club archive (worth $197 + 97/month).


Access to 20 bonus templates with an unlimited render licence (worth $497).

Is It Worth It? See What Our Current Members Say...

"Being a part of the Template Club is a HUGE asset..."

"It’s easy to use. Saves me time & money and is continuously refreshing itself!"

"I love it! I’m using it all the time and keeps my videos fresh"

"You get hundreds of extra templates to use, more added all the time"

But This Is Your ONLY CHANCE To Join

OK, maybe ‘only’ is overdoing it.
Could be we’ll make an offer like this again.
But there’s no guarantees. Could be this door is shutting for good.
Could be this is your very last chance to get access to the 400+ Template Club collection at such a low rate.

Your last chance to get access to 20 new exclusive templates every single month.

Your last chance to get the 20 bonus live-action templates, which even other Template Club members may not see.

Right Now, On This Page ONLY, You Can Get Access To Template Club

And we’ll even waive the joining fee
That means an instant saving of $3394 and then a locked in 62% discount, every month, for LIFE.
And that means you’re getting brand new pro-templates, exclusive to Template Club members, for just $1.48 per template…
You can’t even get the most basic Fiverr gig for that!
Just imagine it: being able to land so many more clients because you can offer so much more variety... being able to target more niches more effectively than any of your competitors... being able to offer a full video animation service that lets you make more sales for more money, and STILL only spending minutes to get amazing results.
Pretty good, right? You bet it is.

How To Join Template Club Today

To take advantage of this incredible invitation… save $3394.00… lock in 62% discounted membership for life… and get instant access to exclusive member-only templates…
All you have to do is click the Join Now button below, and your membership will be activated instantly.

Welcome to the club

The Viddyoze Team

Click Here To Activate Your Template Club Membership Now